
About Lígia Soares

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So far Lígia Soares has created 11 blog entries.

Amparo City Hall analyzes the Term of Adhesion for the elaboration of the Atlantic Forest Municipal Plan with application of the Climatic Lens and launch of the Public Consultation on Environmental Perception in the municipality.

On May 24th, at a meeting of the Municipal Council [...]

By |2022-05-26T15:59:15-03:00May 26, 2022|Public policy|Comments Off on Prefeitura Municipal de Amparo analisa Termo de Adesão para elaboração do Plano Municipal de Mata Atlântica com aplicação da Lente Climática e lançamento da ação de Consulta Pública de Percepção Ambiental no município.

Lindóia City Hall signs a Term of Adhesion for the elaboration of the Atlantic Forest Municipal Plan with the application of the Climatic Lens and launches a Public Consultation on the Environmental Perception of its population on May 27, Atlantic Forest Day.

On May 17th, at a meeting of the Municipal Council [...]

By |2022-05-26T15:53:25-03:00May 26, 2022|Public policy|Comments Off on Prefeitura Municipal de Lindóia assina Termo de Adesão para elaboração do Plano Municipal de Mata Atlântica com aplicação da Lente Climática e lança ação de Consulta Pública de Percepção Ambiental de sua população em 27 de maio, Dia da Mata Atlântica.