Work with us

Work with us

Do you want to be an agent for the preservation and restoration of the Atlantic Forest in the basins of the Peixe and Camanducaia rivers?

Come be part of a team that has been working on this mission since 1999.

To achieve our results, we have professionals in the following areas:

financial and administrative

executive secretariat, human resources, financial

Customer service

digital service channels and at the institution's headquarters


digital media, press, engagement with audiences

environmental education 

educational visits and content production

Institutional partnerships

fundraising and new opportunities

Public policy

liaison with departments, municipalities and state

ecological restoration 

environmental experts and planters

General Services

cleaning and maintenance of the institution's headquarters

forest nursery

Seed collection and seedling production

Transformation begins with the performance of each person. At Copaíba, we believe that each one has a unique way of fulfilling their responsibilities, which is why commitment, autonomy and proactivity are very important to us!


At this time, we do not have a selection process in progress.

Register your CV in our talent bank:

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