Environmental education

Environmental education

The main objective of Copaíba's Environmental Education program is to reconnect people with nature, raising awareness about the importance of conservation and restoration of ecosystems, especially the Atlantic Forest.

We serve individually and in groups, children, adolescents and adults, whether students from public or private schools, company employees, landowners with potential for restoration or anyone interested in getting to know our work up close.

We carry out experiences in the form of monitored visits, educational planting, workshops, lectures, training, immersions, volunteering and internships. We use our headquarters as an educational space

  • on the trail of the Conservation Unit – RPPN Copaíba;
  • in the structure for the production of seedlings native to the Atlantic Forest of Copaiba Forest Nursery;
  • on the premises of Rural Environmental Sanitation and
  • in the space for the creation of native stingless bees of the Meliponary Copaiba.

How to participate in the Copaíba Environmental Education Program?

  • schedule a monitored visit at Espaço Copaíba and have an EXPERIENCE, bring your students, collaborators, friends or family;
  • Invite our team to attend an event at your school, college, company or any organization we can offer lectures, workshops and courses;
  • Participate in a day of immersion in our work routine;
  • Knife volunteering;
  • make your phase here, we have several sectors that can welcome you;
  • Apply for a partnership to strengthen the scientific development, we support course completion papers, and master's and doctoral research;
  • Share the content published on our social networks;
  • Promote our work through articles and interviews.

Get in touch with the Environmental Education Coordination:

Phone: (19) 9 9953-8382
E-mail: [email protected]

Our visit program

Monitored Tour: Groups

Who can participate?
Classes from schools (from the 1st year of EF *), colleges, companies, organizations, tourists or interested citizens – from 10 people
Duration: 1h30 to 3h
Contribution: R$25 to R$30 per person (Minimum R$500.00 per visit)
Open from February

During this visit, we worked on concepts related to the environment, highlighting the importance of forests and their relationship with water, climate and food production, always with a focus on the Atlantic Forest.

* ANDpublic schools in the municipalities in our area of operation do not need to make the contribution, public schools outside our area of operation can contribute with 50% of the value.

Monitored Visit: Individual

Who can participate?
Anyone interested in getting to know Espaço Copaíba and our work
– up to 9 people
Duration: 1h
Contribution: R$50 per person (0 to 4 years: free / 5 to 11 years: R$25)
Minimum R$600.00 per visit
Open every month

During this visit, we worked on concepts related to the environment, highlighting the importance of forests and their relationship with water, climate and food production, always with a focus on the Atlantic Forest.

Visit technique

Who can participate?
Colleges, university centers and universities with courses in areas related to the environment and sustainability, whether undergraduate or graduate; others interested in technical knowledge about environmental communication, environmental education, seedling production or forest restoration
Duration: 4 am
Contribution: On request
Between March and September

We share the technical knowledge accumulated in more than 20 years of experience in communication and environmental education, production of native seedlings and forest restoration. We use our educational spaces for the development of these experiences, always accompanied by the team responsible for the area and with theoretical and practical activities.

Tutored Visit

Who can participate?
Diverse groups with specific activities that would like to use our space in activities aligned with our mission and values
Duration: According to the planning
Contribution: On request
Open from February

The tutored visits were designed for different groups, with their own activities and who would like to use our space to experiences aligned with our mission and values. Activities of integration, cooperation, strengthening of mission and institutional values can be carried out by schools, companies and groups with the support of our collaborators and through joint planning. All proposals will be evaluated by our team, duration and investment vary according to experience.

Lectures, Workshops and Courses

Who can participate?
Interested in environmental issues
Duration: According to the planning
Contribution: On request
Every month

We carry out specific activities on commemorative and thematic dates, both internally and externally, through scheduling and planning. All proposals will be evaluated by our team, duration and investment vary according to the experience chosen.

Immersion: A day in Copaíba

Who can participate?
Any person or group can participate, just be excited to live this immersion in our routine
Duration: 8 am
Contribution: R$150 per person
Between March and September

“A day in Copaiba” it is an immersion opportunity where we align our team's demands of the day with the expectations of the participants, providing experiences especially in the seedling production process. Participants spend the whole day in Copaíba, interact with employees in activities related to the conservation and restoration of the Atlantic Forest, a experience to stay in memory and heart.


Who can participate?
Anyone can participate, just be willing to contribute to our institution
Duration: to match
* According to vacancies

Volunteering is a possibility for anyone who wants to build a path of valuing, conserving and restoring our environment, donating your energy, time and talent, getting in touch human, coexistence, opportunity to experiences and learnings.

-> Learn more

Internship and Research

Who can participate?
Internship: Students of technical and undergraduate courses linked to accredited educational institutions
Research: Researchers linked to accredited teaching and research institutions
Duration: According to the schedule
* According to vacancies

We receive students from technical, undergraduate and graduate courses who want to carry out internships and develop their research at our institution. We offer experiences and opportunities in different areas, in accordance with the established Terms of Cooperation and Commitment.