friend of nature
friend of nature
You help restore the Atlantic Forest and offset your CO2 emissions
To continue and expand the restoration of the Atlantic Forest in the region, Copaíba needs supporters and partners.
For this, it develops the Copaíba Support Program, whose objectives are:
- Give people the opportunity to collaborate with the conservation and restoration of the Atlantic Forest;
- Contribute to offsetting the population's carbon emissions;
- Support rural properties and producers in our region;
- Positively impact the collective in the long term;
- Investment in the nature and quality of life of society;
- A local action with global benefits, by supporting Copaíba you participate in the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, a global campaign with local actions.
What are the benefits?
- A seedling is planted in a restoration area for every R$35 donated
- Voluntary offsetting of your CO2 emissions
- Contribution to the conservation of the Atlantic Forest
- 50% discount on tickets to Cine Cavaliere Orlandi in Socorro/SP (a Copaíba-friendly company)
- A local action with global benefits: By supporting Copaíba, you are participating in the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration

Why offset CO2 emissions?
We Brazilians emit an average of 9t of CO2 into the atmosphere*, per inhabitant (due to what we eat, consume, our air travel, by car, etc.). Because of this, climate changes are happening and the planet is warming up. Our “footprints” are getting bigger and bigger.
To mitigate this impact and compensate for our “footprints”, the best strategy is to plant trees. Trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, reducing the greenhouse effect and lowering the planet's temperature =)
* This is an average value, according to the Summary Report of the Climate Observatory (2019), but the emission values of each person may present different values, based on individual calculations.
Want to offset your footprint?
Copaíba plants trees for you! Come with us and make your contribution.

What are the payment methods for the contribution?
- Credit card: By choosing this option, the taxpayer subscribes to a monthly subscription. The charge is made monthly on the credit card bill in the chosen amount of the contribution.
- Ticket: By choosing this option, the taxpayer receives a monthly payment slip in his/her name with the invoice to be paid according to the chosen contribution amount.
- Other donation amounts: Get in touch using the contact form below to donate other amounts.
Is the credit card contribution safe?
Totally safe. The Copaíba website has an interface with the Asaas Platform, which is a technology and online payments company in Brazil, with PCI-DSS certification (which guarantees the security of payment account data).