It is time to cooperate with the formation of new forests and the Fehidro resource is making a difference to the defense of the Atlantic Forest in the municipality of Socorro -SP

Executed by Copaíba, the project “Restoration of Riparian Forests in Organic Production Property in the Sub-basin of the Rio do Peixe” aims to contribute to the conservation and restoration of riparian forests in the basin of the Rio do Peixe, as well as to minimize the processes erosion on the banks of watercourses, where they directly influence the supply of the river itself.

With resources from Fehidro – State Water Resources Fund, economic and financial instance of the Integrated Water Resources Management System, SIGRH – Copaíba is restoring 6.21 hectares by planting 8,700 seedlings of trees native to the Atlantic Forest in degraded riparian areas in the surroundings four tributary sources of the Peixe River.

Our partners and field team ended the summer and planting season by cooperating with the formation of new forests on João Paulo R. Capobianco's property, in the Serrote neighborhood, in Socorro-SP.

The Fehidro resource was the result of Copaíba's participation in public notices, one of the ways for the institution to seek opportunities to act in the conservation and restoration of the most threatened biome in Brazil and to contribute to the conservation and improvement of the water courses of the Rio do Peixe basin.

Lead time: 36 months

Resource: R$268 246.92

Sponsor: Fehidro – SigRH – Government of the State of São Paulo.