How to participate in the Ecological Restoration Program – Raízes do Mogi Guaçu

How to participate in the Ecological Restoration Program – Raízes do Mogi Guaçu

Published On: 26 de August de 2021

The natural vegetation of the riverbanks (riparian forests) are like eyelashes for our eyes, helping to filter what falls into the river and, thus, maintaining the quality of the water. In addition, they stabilize the soil on the banks, preventing problems such as landslides and silting.

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Finally, this riverside forest still helps to regulate the availability of water. It is like a sponge, which absorbs the excess in the flood and returns part of the water in the dry. That is why restoring riparian forests is almost the same as planting water.
But anyone who thinks that only water benefits from planting trees is wrong. The forest on the property guarantees the supply and maintenance of other long-term benefits of nature.

With the facilities of the modern world, we often forget about these benefits. For example, when you turn on the faucet or get water from the well or rivers, the water is there. But it is born in the eyes of water, in the springs of mountains protected by the forest.

The insects, birds and bats that pollinate orchards, plantations and vegetable gardens are also a service offered by nature to all of us. And we can still take advantage of the path of rivers and waterways to create a large corridor of native forest so that all biodiversity can exist safely.

Nature is a source of food, shelter and medicine, it provides clean water, air and healthy soils.
Nature is our inspiration.

I want to participate

“I think living in a balance between production and the environment is good for the business, it's good for the family, it's good for our soul. So, I am happy to see that, for the same objective, we are connected” Ellen Fontana , Owner of Fronteira Farm in Socorro-SP, participant of the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program.

“We have a vision that we need to produce with quality, with profitability in a sustainable and
recovering many areas.” David Tassara, owner of the Paineiras farm, Socorro – SP, participant in Raízes do Mogi Guaçu.



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