Female role in forest recovery

Female role in forest recovery

Published On: 8 de January de 2019

More and more women, landowners, are having a voice and leading decision-making within their rural properties. In Bueno Brandão/MG, a landowner who was sensitive to the environmental situation of her surroundings, sought the support of the Copaíba Environmentalist Association to join forces in an action that will change not only her life, but the lives of other people, of countless animals. and plants.

Maura de Cassia Beghini and her brothers have a property in the Ponte Alta neighborhood, on the banks of the Rio das Antas, which is one of the main tributaries of the Rio do Peixe, in the Mogi Guaçu river basin. Concerned about her water source and the unprotected banks of the river, Maura took the initiative to change that environment for the better and thus recover the riparian forest on her property.

1250 seedlings of trees native to the Atlantic Forest were planned to be donated to the property. From the project to the execution – three months after signing the term of commitment, with the Verde Novo project, to receive support for the restoration, the seedlings were planted. Part of them went to the banks of the river and an amount of seedlings was destined to the protection of the spring. Soon a new forest will be forming on the site.

“We already feel great satisfaction seeing the seedlings still small, but doing well. When we imagine the forest formed, we feel the feeling of accomplishment, as we always value the preservation of the environment and are aware of the importance of rivers and springs for the survival of the planet and for our survival”, comments Maura, grateful for the partnership with the project.

Other initiatives from landowners are emerging in forest restoration. “In recent years, we have noticed an increase in the demand for women, as representatives of their properties, to support forest restoration. Today this public represents 25% of the partner properties of Verde Novo, our main forest restoration project”, comments Flávia Balderi, executive secretary of Copaíba.

Maura, as well as several other environmentally sensitive women, are contributing to a more sustainable and wooded world, starting with an important step, doing their part in the forest recovery of their property.

Verde Novo, a project carried out by Copaíba, sponsored by Petrobras, through the Petrobras Socio-environmental Program, aims to conserve and restore the Atlantic Forest of the Peixe and Camanducaia river basins, located between the south of Minas Gerais and the east of the state. State of Sao Paulo. Land owners interested in receiving this support can contact us by phone: 19 9 9953-8382 or by email: [email protected].


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