Rural landowners in the region can receive tree seedlings for free

Rural landowners in the region can receive tree seedlings for free

Published On: 25 de June de 2018

Registration to receive the seedlings is open

The dry season is here. At this time of year, it rains little and the plants also develop slowly. For planting tree seedlings, this is not the best time. But the preparatory activities for planting to take place during the rainy season, these are happening now.

Through Verde Novo, a project sponsored by Petrobras, through the Petrobras Socio-environmental Program, Copaíba has supported forest recovery in many rural properties in the region.

Verde Novo donates native seedlings to landowners interested in recovering their native forests, protecting their springs, or even voluntarily adapting their property to the environment. But for this to happen, these properties must be registered at the institution's headquarters.

It is very simple and easy, as soon as the registration is done, Copaíba's technical team schedules a visit to the property to prepare the forest restoration project. Together with the owner, the areas to be recovered and the species that can restore that environment are defined. From then on, the actions, from preparing the soil to plant the seedlings to post-planting care, are all guided by the technical team.

With this support, many properties and families are benefiting. The planting of seedlings on the banks of streams or springs can guarantee an improvement in production and water quality. “The recovery of the forests is an important strategy that will guarantee the quality of the water on the property and it will contribute to the supply of water from the springs. The solution is not immediate, but in a few years, there are great improvements”, highlighted the coordinator of Verde Novo, Flávia Balderi.

Planting has already started and registration too! Registration is open to small and large properties that, together, make a difference in the conservation of the Atlantic Forest.

To participate, simply contact us at on here.


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