Raízes do Mogi Program promotes the 3rd Dialogue Cycle

Raízes do Mogi Program promotes the 3rd Dialogue Cycle

Published On: 4 de December de 2020

On December 10, between 9:30 am and 11:30 am, the 3rd Dialogue Cycle of the Raízes do Mogi Program will be held. The event will be online and its theme will be the relationship between forest restoration and water and production. To participate, just register on the website http://shorturl.at/vBUW8 or whatsapp (19) 9 9953-8382.

The event will have the participation of two rural landowners, Cássia Mariza da Rocha Janoti and Antônio Donizete Carlevato, who will tell their experiences of restoration and relationship with productivity and water.

In addition, International Paper's Research coordinator, Gabriela Goncalves Moreira, will present management practices for water conservation and Rodrigo da Silva Binoti, from the Sustainable Rural Development Coordination, will give an explanation on soil and water conservation.

“Today we are feeling the effects of many years of deforestation; climate change and lack of water are examples of this. Forest restoration can bring many benefits to rural properties, such as improved water quality, the presence of animals of the most diverse species, biological control, increased pollination and even environmental adequacy of the property”, highlights Ana Paula Balderi. , coordinator of forest restoration at the Copaíba Environmentalist Association, which is one of the executors of the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program, alongside IFEAC/Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas Gerais.

“The Roots Program is an opportunity for rural landowners to restore, with support on several fronts, ranging from the donation of native seedlings, planting and fence material”, she emphasizes.

Together with the regional owners of the Mogi Guaçu River basin, the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program recovers degraded areas in order to increase the water supply of properties and the region as a whole.

“We invite all interested parties to participate in this event and strengthen the network of partners in this program, which is so important for our region. Do not miss this opportunity”, highlights Ana Paula. “If your property belongs to Águas de Lindóia-SP, Bom Reposo-MG, Lindóia-SP, Monte Sião-MG, Munhoz-MG, Senador Amaral-MG, Serra Negra-SP and/or Socorro-SP and you are interested in recover and conserve its source, contact Copaíba via Whatsapp: (19) 9 9953-8382”, she concludes.

What: 3rd Dialogue Cycle of the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program
Theme: How forest restoration is related to the availability of water on the property and improved production.
Sign up: http://shorturl.at/vBUW8 or whatsapp (19) 9 9953-8382
Day: 12/10/2020
Hours: 9:30 am to 11:30 am

About Raízes do Mogi Guaçu
The Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program aims to recover and restore springs and riparian areas of the Atlantic Forest in the Mogi Guaçu river basin, in the eastern region of the state of São Paulo and southern Minas Gerais. The program focuses on restoring at least 200 hectares of forests in a region with high forest fragmentation and high water risk. Raízes do Mogi Guaçu is a cooperation between WWF-Brasil and International Paper and carried out by Associação Ambientalista Copaíba and IFEAC/Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas Gerais.


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