Why conserve the Atlantic Forest?

Why conserve the Atlantic Forest?

Published On: 27 de May de 2017

On May 27th, the National Day of the Atlantic Forest is celebrated. Biome so rich in biodiversity and important for everyone, but at the same time one of the most threatened ecoregions on the planet. This date symbolizes the reflection on the forest that once occupied an area of approximately 1,300,000 km2, stretching across 17 Brazilian states.

But why should we care about the conservation of the Atlantic Forest?

Due to its wealth, it supplies water to more than 60% of the population of Brazil. The abundance of water and other natural resources make the Atlantic Forest a very populous biome. Today, around 145 million Brazilians live in its geographic area, almost 70% of the population.

Currently, only 8.5% of this vegetation remain. More than 90% have been destroyed over many years. But we don't have to go very far. Our region, considering the Peixe and Camanducaia river basins, which includes the Águas Paulista circuit and some municipalities in the south of Minas Gerais, lost more than 95% of this forest.

Our waters, our biodiversity, our fauna and our flora are restricted to an Atlantic Forest totally divided into small forest fragments spread throughout the region. The critical situation of this forest extends throughout the national territory. It is essential for biodiversity, fundamental for the stabilization of the climate, for the supply of water, for the conservation of the soil, for the life and well-being of all human beings.

Fighting for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest is more than protecting the Conservation Units, than fighting for a species to be removed from the threatened list. In practice, the conservation of the Atlantic Forest is related to the routine things of our daily lives, actions that are much simpler than we imagine. Small attitudes, together, turn into great initiatives. Can we practice? Start taking care of the trees on your street, contemplating the nature of your region, valuing the scenic beauty of your surroundings, saving water, separating garbage, planting trees, consuming less, opting for sustainable products and actions that are less aggressive to nature .

All these actions contribute to its conservation, it's not that difficult. Together, we can transform our future, starting with ourselves, our neighborhood, our city and the entire region.

Be part of this chain! Help conserve the Atlantic Forest.


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