Ecological sanitation course is held in Copaíba

Ecological sanitation course is held in Copaíba

Published On: 11 de November de 2021

Copaíba hosted the Training Course on Ecological Sanitation with Vermifilter and Banana Tree Circles, organized by Cisbra, taught by Guilherme Castagna, a partner at Fluxus.

The course was aimed at leaders of the municipalities that are part of the Intermunicipal Consortium of Basic Sanitation of the Region of Circuito das Águas - Cisbra, with the objective of multiplying knowledge in their localities about the ecological system and expanding access to basic sanitation in the municipalities.

This is a simple, viable and low-cost solution for sanitation, using a more integrated alternative to the environment, which benefits the community in terms of health, disease prevention, preservation and balanced use of the environment.

Representatives from the municipalities of Águas de Lindóia, Lindóia, Amparo, Pedra Bela, Pinhalzinho, Monte Alegre do Sul, Serra Negra, Tuiuti, Morungaba and Socorro were present.

The system is composed of a septic tank, the first environment that receives black water (from the toilet) and gray water (from the sinks, tanks and showers).

The Vermifilter, which consists of filtering water with the use of a medium rich in carbon (sawdust or dry leaves), supported by three layers of gravel, and the use of Californian earthworms (exotic) or the native species popularly known as worm puladeira , to digest and turn faeces into humus. The function of earthworms enters the composting process, which is the aerobic biological process (which happens with the presence of oxygen) that occurs with the help of microorganisms and transforms organic matter, such as food waste, pruning and feces into a rich substance. in nutrients and extremely fertile: the organic fertilizer.

The process is completed in the Banana Tree Circle, a simple and efficient system for treating gray water. Part of the water is absorbed by the soil and treated by microorganisms and part absorbed by the roots of banana trees, which evapo-transpire between 15 to 80 liters of water daily, depending on the location and climate.

Find out how to do it in the Practical Guide to Water Management


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