Copaíba elects Director and Fiscal Councils for the biennium 2016 – 2018

Copaíba elects Director and Fiscal Councils for the biennium 2016 – 2018

Published On: 30 de March de 2016

On March 24, Copaíba gathered its associates to hold the Ordinary General Meeting, which took place at its administrative headquarters.

The objective of the meeting was to present the activity and financial reports for the year 2015 to the associates. Both were voted on and approved by those present. In addition to the reports, the actions planned for the year 2016 were presented.

Among the main actions that will be carried out during this year are the continuity of programs and projects for forest restoration with resources from FEHIDRO and the Copaíba Support Program; the beginning of the Camanducaia Vivo project with funds from the National Environmental Fund, the possibility of continuing the Verde Novo project, the move of the nursery to Copaíba's property, in the Pedra Branca neighborhood, in Socorro; and the creation of the Copaíba Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN).

Also at this meeting, the members of Copaíba's Board of Directors and Fiscal Council were elected for the next two years. The new president-elect was Gerson Augusto Ribeiro Silveira, the other directors are: João Gabriel Tannus Giacometti as vice president and directors Felício José Sartori, Dervino Dermino Santin and Célio Rodrigues de Morais. The Fiscal Council was elected with three members: Consuelo Picarelli Marcolino, Rosiane Domingues de Faria and Sebastião Raphael Terra.


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