Interns contribute to the conservation and restoration of the Atlantic Forest

Interns contribute to the conservation and restoration of the Atlantic Forest

Published On: 17 de January de 2018

Copaíba constantly receives people interested in collaborating with the work of the institution and in return, they take their learning and the satisfaction of helping a cause in the third sector. This is the case of Carolina Oragio and Carlos Augusto Cardoso, both students of the Technology in Environmental Management course at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais, at Campus Inconfidentes.

Carol and Carlos sought out Copaíba and are currently unpaid interns, that is, working voluntarily at the institution. Volunteer work is an excellent opportunity to practice good deeds in society. Being a volunteer is donating time, work and talent to causes of social, environmental and community interest and thereby improving the quality of life in the community.

For Carlos, a student in the environmental area, an internship at Copaíba has been enriching. “It is very gratifying to experience all this work of seedling production and forest restoration, from knowing how the nursery works to having direct contact with Copaíba's partner landowners. In addition to bringing us practical knowledge, it makes us proud to act for a noble cause”, comments Carlos.

For Copaíba interns, this opportunity is unique. Carol took the initiative to study in the environmental area inspired by Copaíba, which many years ago carried out an environmental education project at the kindergarten where she studied. Since then, his desire to work with forest restoration has increased and, now, he is really enjoying this experience. “Contact with different species of native trees is very interesting. Every day is a new learning experience. We are putting into practice what we learned in theory,” says Carol.

The exchange of experience and interaction with the production team is essential for the learning of these young students. But for the Copaíba team, the satisfaction of receiving employees like these is enormous. Learning and benefit are reciprocal.

Copaíba thanks all interns and volunteers who collaborate and have already collaborated with institutional actions. To learn more and register as a Copaíba volunteer, Click here.


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