Copaíba participates in the workshop of the Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest

Copaíba participates in the workshop of the Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest

Published On: 27 de June de 2018

Copaíba, a signatory member of the Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest, participated on the 25th of the second workshop on the insertion of data on restoration and natural regeneration in the database of the COVENANT.

As representatives of Copaíba, Mayra Tavares and Ana Paula Balderi were with the participants of the scientific and geospatial work groups. The group met to discuss the data and analysis that will make up the movement's database. The meeting took place at the Laboratory of Ecology and Forest Restoration of the Luiz de Queiroz Higher School of Agriculture (ESALQ/USP), in Piracicaba.

The pact

The Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest (PACTO) is a movement that aims to restore 15 million hectares by the year 2050, through the coordination and integration of efforts and actions of its more than 260 members, with the objective of establishing sustainable and economically viable landscapes.

Inspired by its beauty and importance, and due to the urgency of saving this endangered biome, in 2006 the idea arose of joining efforts, integrating them into a solid and coherent movement and, from there, creating synergies between all the actors working with forest restoration in the Atlantic Forest.

Finally, after much preliminary work, the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact was officially launched on April 7, 2009.


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