Ribeirão da Penha Basin, in Itapira, receives support for environmental improvements
Ribeirão da Penha Basin, in Itapira, receives support for environmental improvements
for environmental improvements
The Ribeirão da Penha is an important tributary of the Rio do Peixe which, together with other rivers, streams and streams, form the hydrographic basin of the Mogi Guaçu River. This entire region, rich in springs, contributes to the water supply of part of Greater Campinas.
It is precisely with the aim of conserving and maintaining the quality of the water and the richness of these springs that the Ribeirão da Penha basin was chosen as the Pilot Area of the “Nascentes” Project, carried out by CATI through its Mogi Mirim Regional Office. The Nascentes project offers financial resources to rural producers through subsidy projects and financing lines, to protect and recover springs through conservation actions and practices.
In order to increase the impact of the projects and improve the environmental quality of the properties, the initiative gains strength with Verde Novo, a project carried out by Copaíba, sponsored by Petrobras, which donates seedlings, inputs and all technical assistance for planting and monitoring the seedlings. . Consequently, the result will be better quality water for all rural producers and residents there.
Antônio de Oliveira, planning assistant at CATI in Itapira, believes that it is a good partnership between the projects, in which the main beneficiary is the farmer. “For us from Projeto Nascentes it is interesting because we would apply the resource that the farmer is entitled to, the subsidy, in soil conservation and fencing, and we were able to take one more benefit, which is the planting of seedlings. For medium and small properties this helps to solve a good part of the environmental liability. So, the farmer needs to spend less of his own resources and at the same time we expand the scope of the projects”, says Antônio.
Technical visits to partner properties, which will receive this support, have already begun. Soon the rains come and everything needs to be prepared for planting to take place at the right time, ensuring the success of forest restoration.
The partner land owner, Sirley Aparecida Orlandi, has already received the technical visit on the property, is very enthusiastic about the proposal and sees in this initiative a way to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life. “Reforesting springs is the most efficient way to preserve water”, comments Sirley.
Who can participate?
Landowners and farmers in Itapira who are interested in participating can contact Copaíba's telephone: (19) 99953-8382, or at the EDR in Mogi Mirim: (19) 3806-4008 or at Casa da Agricultura de Itapira: (19)3863-1581. More information on the email [email protected] and on the website copaíba.org.br/verdenovo.
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