Conservation and restoration of native forest benefits crops

Conservation and restoration of native forest benefits crops

Published On: 16 de January de 2020

A coffee grower for over 20 years, Jarlei Manias has reforested the property in the Municipality of Socorro through the Verde Novo Project sponsored by Petrobras through the Petrobras Socio-environmental program run by Copaíba, an Environmentalist Association also located in the municipality. The rural producer reforested the riparian forest of the stream that he has on the property, interested in taking care of the water from the difficulties faced with the crop and concerned with producing quality coffee.

“There was erosion in the stream and it was collapsing, before there was not a tree in the fields. Today is a beauty! With the reforestation, the crop became more beautiful and the erosion of the stream no longer exists”, comments Jarlei, pleased to see the coffee plantation producing well and the trees planted shading the banks of the stream.

The property was reforested in 2013 and 1,030 seedlings were planted in an area of 4,000 m². Jarlei is concerned about the crop and the family's future “Caring for the property's water will benefit future generations. Everyone tends to win, not just the rural producer”.

This story can also be followed through the series of videos of Projeto Verde Novo, launched by Copaíba on social networks (facebook, instagram and youtube), search for aacopaíba. Also visit the project website:


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