The rainy season is coming and with it Phase 2 of the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program!
The rainy season is coming and with it Phase 2 of the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program!
The loss of forests brings several environmental damages that directly impact everyone's quality of life! During these 21 years of Copaíba's operations in the region, it is common to hear reports from rural landowners of the decrease in water on their properties and increase in temperature. These are just some of the negative impacts of deforestation. To reverse part of this situation, the Copaíba Environmentalist Association, in fulfillment of its institutional mission, implements reforestation strategies, mainly around springs, in order to recover water resources and soil quality.
One of these projects is the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program, which originated from the concern and motivation to conserve the watershed areas of the Mogi Guaçu Basin. The program is the result of a partnership between International Paper, WWF-Brasil and local partners who carry out its implementation. Copaíba is one of the executors of the Program in the Rio do Peixe Basin and in this rainy season it will start planting phase 2 of the Program! The program aims to restore 100 hectares of Atlantic Forest in areas of protection for springs and water courses by 2022.
Together with the regional owners of the Mogi Guaçu River basin, the Program Mogi Guaçu roots recovers degraded areas in order to increase the water supply of properties and the region as a whole. As well as all the benefits that forests generate, such as lowering temperatures, attracting bees, habitat for wild animals, increased biodiversity.
According to Mayra Flores Tavares, Restoration coordinator at Copaíba, the program is an opportunity as it provides support to the owner in the restoration of the most important areas to be conserved. The program can offer partner owners a variety of benefits, ranging from the donation of native seedlings, planting inputs, technical support to support in the execution of planting and materials for the fence.
Copaíba invites all those interested in recovering their properties to get to know the Raízes do Mogi Guaçu Program! If your property belongs to Águas de Lindóia-SP, Bom Reposo-MG, Lindóia-SP, Monte Sião-MG, Munhoz-MG, Senador Amaral-MG, Serra Negra-SP and/or Socorro-SP and you are interested in recovering and conserve its source, contact Copaíba via Whatsapp: (19) 9 9953-8382.
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